I often hear from people who need help identifying the tail lights, hood ornaments and hub caps left in the barn they have just inherited. Their grandfather/father/uncle knew what everything was, but now he is gone and the lucky beneficiaries don’t know what they have. It is a sad fact that every time we lose a guy like that, a wealth of knowledge goes with him. I try to help when I can, and have started putting together some guides like this one on Ford V8 hubcaps. Another area that generates a lot of confusion is the Oldsmobile “ringed globe” hood emblems. The various versions do look very similar, so here are some part numbers and pictures to help you sort it out.
This 1948 with distinctive down-turned grille sports the Oldsmobile crest with the “winged spur”. This was the year before Olds started using the ringed globe.

In 1949 and 1950, all of the Oldmobiles used the same hood emblem. (Note: The ones that I have seen are marked with part number 556420, but the Olds parts book says that all 1949-50 models used part number 559173. Motor’s Flat Rate & Parts says the 1949 “98” uses part number 556649. The Olds parts book mentions something about a hood conversion, so maybe that explains the confusion.)

In 1951, the Super 88 used this emblem (part number 560055).

The other 1951 models (“88A” and “98”) used part number 560058.

In 1952, all Olds models used part number 562144.

In 1953, the ringed world emblem was two separate pieces. Only the 98 Fiesta Convertible differed from the other models by using part numbers 563868 and 563872 (not pictured). The rest of the Oldsmobiles used part numbers 562787 for the bar and ring and 562789 for the world insert.

In 1954, all models used the same emblem. It was two pieces, part numbers 565126 for the bar and ring and 563869 for the insert.

For 1955, all of the models again used the same emblem. Part numbers are 566353 for the bar and ring and 566354 for the world insert.

The 1956 version looks very different from the earlier ones. The part number is 567448.

The hood emblem was once again re-styled for 1957, and then gone completely from the hood of the ’58.